展示型网站顾名思义, 主要作用是通过网站来展示企业形象和展示公司产品,同时通过新闻报道,应用解决方案等栏目让访问者了解企业。在线展示网站利用网络的多媒体技术,数据库存储查询技术,三维展示技术,配合有效的图片和文字说明,将企业的产品(服务)充分展现给新老客户,使客户能全方位的了解公司产品。与产品印刷资料相比,网站可以营造更加直观的氛围和产品的感染力同时结合当下的营销手段,更利于传播。
Webfoss website designs are professional, attractive and unique. Our website designers understand how to create specialized website designs that will hold the attention of your visitors so they stay long enough to read the words on your page. You can customize your website to fit your business.
Having a solid eCommerce platform is the foundation of your online business; Webfoss use the latest technology to increase your profitability. Our solutions offer the best in standard features and functionality while remaining completely customizable. Manage your products, customers and online sales all in one place.
The Internet is on the go, and your website should be, too. Gone are the days when you need multiple websites for multiple screen resolutions. Using responsive web design you can make sure that no matter what your users use to view your website, they get the best experience possible.
SEO和SEM是英文Search Engine Marketing和Search Engine Optimization的缩写。就是根据用户使用搜索引擎的方式,利用用户检索信息的机会尽可能将营销信息传递给目标用户。简单来说,搜索引擎营销就是基于搜索引擎平台的网络营销,利用人们对搜索引擎的依赖和使用习惯,在人们检索信息的时候尽可能将营销信息传递给目标客户。
SEO is a technique which helps search engines find and rank your site higher than the millions of other sites in response to a search query. SEO thus helps you get traffic from search engines. SEM usually refers to the promotion on Google or Baidu.
Email marketing is one of the most powerful and low-cost marketing tools available to you today. Done right, you can use email marketing to significantly increase your repeat business, customer satisfaction and marketing potency. Zeald has an email marketing component that seamlessly integrates with your website.